image by Barbara Wells // modifications by Katie Sciba with CCLC permission
I can whip through the dishes without too much strife. Bowls, plates, funky shaped kid cups are no challenge because loading is just grown-up Tetris. I find space where there was none and can work some serious magic.
No. That’s too far.
The psychological mountain comes when I gaze across the counter at the mess of pots I’m doomed to face, or even just one. I always save those for last because maybe the End Times will come and I won’t have to do them.
Why oh why are they such a ridiculous thorn in my side?! Hands down the most dreaded, most cumbersome, most detested items to scrub are the oatmeal pot and cast iron skillet.
I’m cringing right now.
But St. Theresa says that’s where He moves. The pots, the pans, the grime, the gross. Jesus is there in the drudge while I work to love my family and overcome myself in such a menial task that almost doesn’t deserve mentioning.
It reminds me of another saintly wisdom I see pretty often:
Our ordinary activities are not an insignificant matter. Rather they are the very hinge on which our sanctity turns, and they offer us constant opportunities of meeting God…”
–St. Josemaria Escriva
It’s when we’re elbow deep in suds that the Lord is present. So much of our days are spent in monotonous routine that seem incompatible with holiness – somehow it feels a little more impossible for us facing the same to-dos day in and out.
But that’s where we’ll obtain sainthood. Sanctity will come when we go through with the ordinary and the challenging tasks praying to Jesus, “Show me where you are.”
And if He’s right there in the kitchen when we’re facing crusted-on scrambled eggs, then we can be all the more confident of His presence when we’re elbow deep in trials, doubt, or any other detested task.
Because Jesus stays with us, and calls us nearer when we’re performing the most dreaded, put-off tasks; or when we’re enduring the greatest difficulty. He refines us into love if we accept the grace.
And maybe what looks like a big scary pot to scrub is actually the way to God.
On another note…
I was absolutely blown away by your response to The Blog Post About Anxiety last week. Your emails and messages shouted a big “ME TOO!” from so many readers that I think it’s safe to say none of us are alone in this. You guys – the whole anxiety/depression thing is everywhere and at long last I’m able to talk about it without fear or shame. I’ll be praying for healing for each one of you who endures this struggle and ask you do the same for me. Let’s swap a couple of Hail Marys!
An extra special, heartfelt THANKS! to my friend Meghann H. for sending this quotation from St. Theresa my way. Apparently this bit of wisdom is found all over the place, but I hadn’t ever read it until you sent it, girl! You’re the best.
Do you have a quote from a saint you’d like to see here? Email me at katie{at}thecatholicwife{dot}net.
See the Monday Morning with the Saints Pinterest Board for more wisdom.